纐纈之雅代(Masayo Koketsu)
SAX奏者。2008年9月、SONY MUSICより『鈴木勲 SOLITUDE Feat. Masayo Koketsu』でCDデビュー。そのオリジナリティーは唯一無二としょうされる。2015年8月8日、オリジナル曲集『Band of Eden』を自主制作でSuiSui Recordより発売。2015年、KING RECORD『鈴木勲、AVE MARIA』に参加。2019年、深圳OCT JAZZ FESTIVALで鈴木勲OMA SOUNDで参加。2019年12月、彩流社より著書「音の深みへ」が出版される。2022年5月、ニューヨークのRelative Pitch Recordより初のアルトサックスソロアルバム「FUKIYA」がリリースされ、2023年4月ブルックリン等でソロライブを行い大好評を得る。2024年5月ドイツのメールスフェスティバルでペーターブロッツマン・トリビュートに参加。
秋葉原 HOT MUSIC SCHOOLサックス科講師。
Born in Gifu Prefecture in JAPAN.she first played the piano at the age of 1 under the influence of her two older sisters, and started taking piano lessons at the age of 3. She has loved music since she was a child, and after entering high school, she met with Charlie Parker, who had a great influence on her. She started the soprano saxophone at the age of 15 and the alto saxophone at 16.
While still in high school, she studied classical saxophone, piano, and theory at the Nagoya Music School before turning to jazz. After graduating from high school, she took a break from music, but a trip she did on her own to New York in 2005 inspired her to pursue a career in music.On September 10, 2008, she made her CD debut with “Isao Suzuki SOLITUDE Feat MASAYO KOKETSU”
In 2015, she took part in KING RECORD’s “Isao Suzuki, AVE MARIA”. In 2019, she participated in the Shenzhen OCT JAZZ FESTIVAL with Isao Suzuki OMA SOUND. In 2015, she released her first album “Band of Eden”, which is a collection of original songs, via her own label “SuiSui Record.”
In 2019, her book “Into the Depths of Sound” is published by Sairyusha.
In 2022, her first solo album “FUKIYA” is released by Relative Pitch Record.
In 2023, she performs solo live in Brooklyn and other cities, gathering favorable reviews.